Rachel Crossley of Bradford has been presented with the “elite” PPR Award for the month of March 2023 in recognition of her punctuality, productivity and reliability as a temporary worker.

Rachel registered with elite at the end of April 2022 and started her first of many temporary assignments on the 3 May 2022!  Since then, Rachel has carried out multiple temporary assignments within prestigious car dealerships carrying out reception and hosting duties, mainly on a weekend to fit in with her busy schedule.

During her time with elite, Rachel has always been reliable, punctual, dedicated and hardworking, and the feedback that we have received from all of our clients is very, very good and she is always requested.  She has never been late or sick and always arrives at work with a smile on her face to meet our clients customers in a pleasant and professional manner.

“Many congratulations Rachel on receiving this award which you truly deserve.  We really appreciate all your hardwork and commitment to elite, and we are very proud to have you as part of our team”