Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; backup_restore_divi_theme_options has a deprecated constructor in /home/elitepersonnelco/public_html/wp-content/plugins/backup-restore-divi-theme-options/backup-restore-divi-theme-options.php on line 16
elite personnel presents the first elite award to Michiela Matthewman - Elite Personnel

elite personnel are delighted to present the very first elite award to Michiela Matthewman.  Michiela is a true asset to the elite personnel team and has shown outstanding levels of initiative, exceptional loyalty and capability during her time as a temporary worker. Her commitment to the same client since October 2015 even in the knowledge that the plant was closing is a testament to her trustworthiness and dependability as an employee. The role requires a high level of punctuality, reliability, and efficiency, which Michiela demonstrates daily with ease as an employee.

elite personnel has recognised Michiela’s ability to thrive under pressure, and willingness to integrate herself into any environment seamlessly, alongside showcasing exceptional administration, communication, and secretarial skills. Her outstanding team player attitude alongside her ability to work in a highly organised fashion are further reasons why we are thrilled to present Michiela with this award.