We had a fantastic time at the End of Summer ball in aid of the MS Society, which is a charity very close to the heart of our administrator Tracy. Tracy’s mum died after a long battle with the illness in 2014 and now she does everything she can to support this amazing charity

The night kicked off with a charity auction with a whole mix of exciting prizes. Our ears pricked up when the auctioneer announced a table for 6 at the Marco Pierre White restaurant in Sheffield – we just had to bid! The bidding started and crept up to £400 but when the hammer finally went down it was Elite that won!

We were proud to contribute to such a worthy cause and had a brilliant night too.

What is MS?

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurological condition, that means it affects your nerves. You get it when your immune system isn’t working properly. Your immune system normally protects you by fighting off infection, but in MS it attacks your nerves by mistake.

The MS Society offers invaluable support to those living with MS.

Read more about the charity and the work they do here.